Career coaching for a life of limitless possibilities
Career coaching for a life of limitless possibilities


Each of us is the embodiment of our unique blend of talents, passions, and aspirations. At Embracing Freedom, we believe in uncovering the extraordinary connections within your journey. Through our range of personalized career coaching services listed below, we help you navigate the intricacies of your professional path, unlocking the true synergy between your experiences and aspirations.

Resume Development

Choose the option that suits your needs and budget, and let's create a standout resume that opens doors to exciting career opportunities!

  1. Basic Review ($50): Receive asynchronous feedback on your current resume. No judgment, just valuable notes, comments, and recommendations emailed to you. Take your time to incorporate the edits at your convenience.
  2. Resume Writing ($100): Complete a questionnaire and send me your existing resume. I'll craft a brand new resume for you using a professional template, ensuring it highlights your strengths and accomplishments.
  3. Personalized Coaching ($150): Book a 1-hour coaching session with me. We'll work together to write your resume, while I teach you essential skills to refine and build effective resumes for years to come.
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Interview Coaching

Choose the interview coaching option that suits your needs and gain the skills and preparation necessary to shine in your next interview.

  1. Interview Coaching Package ($150): Three 1-hour coaching sessions focused on crafting your elevator pitch and answers to 3 common interview questions. Together, we'll enhance your interview skills and boost your confidence.
  2. Mock Interview Coaching ($50): A 45-minute session to prepare you for an upcoming interview. Receive live feedback to fine-tune your responses and improve your performance.
  3. Company-Specific Interview Coaching ($75): A 1-hour session tailored to help you excel in an interview with a specific company. Get an interview preparation sheet with industry-specific questions, valuable tips, and guidance on writing an effective follow-up email to stand out.
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Negotiation Support

Choose the negotiation support option that aligns with your needs and level of assistance required. Take control of your compensation and secure a favorable outcome in your job offer negotiations.

  1. Negotiation Strategy Session ($100): A 45-minute session to learn effective negotiation strategies, enabling you to confidently discuss salary throughout the interview process and ask for more.
  2. Job Offer Negotiation Support ($50 -- $300): Receive market research and a customized email template to negotiate a higher initial offer. Price varies based on the level of the role (entry-level, mid-level, or senior).
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Interested? Let's connect!

Book a free 30-minute consultation below to discuss what options you're ready to explore, or we can create a customized bundle that caters to your unique experiences. Together, we'll design a tailored solution that empowers you to unlock your full potential and pursue a fulfilling career. Contact us today to get started on this transformative journey!

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